Delivery Methods & Costs

Orders are typically packed and processed the following day and will be delivered within 3-5 working days. There might be delay in if wrong information such as address of contact number is provided. In the event that you are not able to receive a parcel, there will be a re-attempt delivery. If the second delivery fails, the parcel will be returned to our warehouse and an additional charge of RM10 will be imposed for re-delivery.


Pick up your parcels conveniently at one of the below outlets within 3-10 working days.

iORA @ 1 Utama Shopping Centre (3 - 5 Working Days)

iORA @ Gurney Plaza, Penang (5 - 7 Working Days)

iORA @ Mid Valley Megamall (3 - 5 Working Days)

iORA @ Queensbay Mall, Penang (5 - 7 Working Days)

iORA @ Sunway Pyramid (3 - 5 Working Days)

iORA @ Sunway Velocity (3 - 5 Working Days)

iORA @ Sky Avenue, Genting (5 - 7 Working Days)

iORA @Vivacity Megamall (7 - 10 Working Days)

iORA @ The Mall, Mid Valley Southkey, Johor (5 - 7 Working Days)

iORA @ IOI City Mall, Putrajaya (3 - 5 Working Days)

iORA @Setia City Mall (3 - 5 Working Days)

iORA @AEON Tebrau City, Johor (5 - 7 Working Days)

iORA @TRX KL (3 - 5 Working Days)